Dear Andy Cohen,
Housedogs need trashy TV too! Napping while our owners are gone at work all day is quite the tiring job! After all,” life isn’t all milk bones and garden hoses”, ya feel us?
We’ll make the pitch to Bravo TV execs easy for you! Here’s our picks for the top billed cast including their super catchy “dog-taglines”…
Peekaboo (Instagram: peekaboo_princess)
Dog-tagline: “I don’t really consider myself high maintenance, but my humans might disagree!"
Weezy (Instagram: missmelliebee15)
Dog-tagline: “Don’t let the dress fool you, I could whip your tail in sports ANY DAY!"
Rizzo (Instagram: rizzochichigirl)
Dog-tagline: “Sometimes I like to stare at myself in the mirror and ponder, just how did I get so pretty?”
Babs (Instagram: sweatypoms)
Dog-tagline: “In this neighborhood you have to look a certain way to fit in with the pack!”
Kiko (Instagram: kiko_the_little_frenchie)
Dog-tagline: “I live every day as if it’s my birthday and all eyes are on me!"
Giggy (Instagram: giggy_theyorkie)
Dog-tagline: “I’ve always been the sweet pooch next door, but tease me with treats and it will be hard to gain my trust back!”
So Bravo TV are you ready to sign “RHDOC” on for the first season yet?
We are crossing our paws!
**Tune in next week for another RHDOC blog post showcasing new cast members and their dog-taglines!