You know the drill. One stare at your humom/dad with your big donut shaped eyes, cute grin on your face and fluffy tail wagging back and forth and they will give in to just about anything!
Some of your humans believe they actually have a choice whether to give into your outlandish demands(more bacon please ma’am) but others..well, others simply do not have a choice. This is because you are what some might refer to as a “Princess Pet” and you will not settle for anything less than absolute pawfection!
Here are the signs that you are actually royalty (or just a naturally born diva):
7. Princess pose is on fleek
"Hooves out front, hooves out to the front!"
6. You absolutely NEED your beauty rest
"This better be memory foam! human"
5. You are your own best friend
"You are so pretty! No, YOU are so pretty!"
4. You refuse to go outside without full princess ensemble
"My tiara brings all the boys to the yard.."
3. You know how to work a party dress
"I call this look BLUE STEEL."
2. Talk to the hand humans!
"Ok mother, I'm parched and my bowl of water won't move to me by itself."
1. You constantly give "the EYE"
“Treat. Now. Did I stu-u-t-tt-er?”
Sound familiar? You’re definitely a princess pet and that means you deserve the finer things in life from your humans! Step one: Dress the part by ordering your “Spoiled Princess” pet fashion Wagdrobe box!
Wagdrobe’s pet stylists promise to put together the perfect princess outfits including sparkling accessories & the prettiest dresses... just for you!