7. You’re not peeing on your owner’s bed out of convenience...
..other spots are just SO over peed on.
6. You have a legitimate bow tie collection.
“Does the top right make my neck look too thin?”
5. Plaid shirt + beard= you on a daily basis.
“If you’re going to walk me in this tundra, at least add layers!”
4. You are certified organic & vegan.
“Are these moustache treats gluten free?”
3. Patterns!
This picture makes you weirdly happy.
2. You cannot be seen without your "Warber Barkers."
“I simply cannot read Proust without my lenses.”
Photo credit: @dani_and_dennis on Instagram sporting his complete Wagdrobe #Hipsterhound outfit.
1. Your owner looks like this.
You never really stood a chance.
If this sounds like you, don’t panic, embrace this obscure hipster phase in your life! Beg your owner to shop wagdrobe.com for the latest Hipster Hound inspired fashion! All the cool dogs are NOT doing it (reverse hipster psychology).