The surprise element is the most exciting part of ordering your very own Wagdrobe box! It's like a game we used to play at summer camp called "What's in the box?" You could either choose to take the tempting prize that was offered up front (ice cream for your bunk, movie night, etc.) OR you could take a gamble and have what was in the box! You never really knew what was in the box, that was part of the fun! 3/4 of the time what was in the box was a signed autograph of the head staff or worse you might have just signed your whole bunk up for clean up in the cafeteria in that day...but, if your stars were aligned that day, you might have just won your bunk the right to stay out past curfew-- or even better, you were granted a field trip to the local pizza place (which, for summer campers is equivalent to a trip to Disney World ) for the feast of a summertime!
Anyway, these pets all could have had the lovely pet fashion items they see every day in their generic pet shops, but they chose the box! Let these pictures below serve as a PSA to always take that gamble and choose the box! You won't exactly know what will be inside, but you will love it every time.
Yep, I will take the box thank you!
I don't know about you but my heart belongs to this box.
Life is like a box o' pet clothes & accessories you never know what you're gonna get.
Me and this box, we could be friends.
I think I will chill here for a little, kapeesh?
How would I not choose what's in THIS BOX?
Went in the box naked, came out a Ralph Lauren model!
They say a woman always needs options...
Ladies will do just about anything for fashion! #amirite
Mine. All MINE.
I think this Wagdrobe box makes me look suave, no?
Like you need any more convincing that a Wagdrobe box is pretty much always a good idea! Shake things up and get styling today ---> #WHATWILLBEINYOURBOX?